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  • Ethics in clinical research
  • Knowledge management

Chapter 15 International Regulation and Global Ethics in Clinical Research

May 2009
Chapter 15 International Regulation and Global Ethics in Clinical Research by Mike. H. Campbell and Anders Lassen Nielsen in the ‘Clinical Research Compliance Manual - An Administrative Guide’ edited by PL Brent PL and LW Vernaglia from Wolters Kluwer - Law&Business publishers.

Doing research internationally is often a challenge. We have tried to condense the main ethical issues in clinical research and associated each to the relevant international guidelines. After the Introduction follows a section on U.S. Federal Standards for Clinical Research in Foreign Countries. We continue with a review section on International Standards for Human Subject Protection and Clinical Research. However, complying with regulations is not enough to ensure ethical conduct hence in the following section we go Beyond Regulation: Clinical Research Ethics in Cross-Cultural Contexts. The chapter ends with some more general Concluding Considerations: Cultural Competence and Social Projection.

I hope our chapter will make a contribution towards increased focus on ethics in clinical research.

Knowledge Management as a tool in Health Care Systems optimization - The case of Närsjukvården Österlen AB

Dec 2006
My master thesis Knowledge Management as a tool in Health Care Systems optimization - The case of Närsjukvården Österlen AB; is available for download.

It analyzes the turn around of a private operated local hospital in Sweden and the knowledge management tools used in the process. All external evaluations of the turn around emphasized that a significant turn around did take place without lowering service or quality. Thus it shows that healthcare can be driven more efficiently. I hope that you will find inspiration and perhaps some ideas that you can use in your own organization. It can also be read as a contribution to the discussion of the need for change in healthcare systems’ leadership.

"What feeling, knowledge or will man has depends in the last resort upon what imagination he has" Søren Kirkegaard

Much More Than Just Money

Jan 2006
The book 'Much More Than Just Money' is available (so far only in Swedish, but a draft translation to English is available on request). I co-authored the book with Birgitta Viklund and Christina Ståhl.

It tells our story working with the Balanced Score Card in health care management for more than five years. It emphasizes the constant need for adjusting the used measures. The constant need to align the measures with the demands from the ever-changing ‘healthcare triangle’ perspectives. How we on one hand balanced to fulfill the needs of the individual patients, the public health perspective and the public management requirements. While we on the other hand had to keep it an operational tool for both the health care payer (Region Skåne) and the private health care provider (Närsjukvården Österlen AB).
As Director Ellen Hyttsten from The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions writes in the preface:
‘Read, reflect and be inspired’.